Extreme Sports – Paragliding in Matantimali

para1Palu region probably is not as famous as other provinces in Sulawesi capital, Makassar or Manado like.
For adrenalin sensation among fans of high level, playing paragliding in Palu into adventure tourism that can not be experienced by everyone.
Matantimali cliff at an altitude of 1,100 meters above sea level, saw highland hills Sigi lush greenery, sparkling waterfront Gulf of Palu, Palu and dynamic city panorama.
Adventure Travel Ritual: Ritual buffalo buffalo-in Banyuwangi
A number of men whose skin is blackened with charcoal buffalo costume, carrying the plow, and berman in mud fields, sambnil accompanied by drum band music mixes love the dynamic.
Kebo-Keboan itself is a fertility ritual is usually held in the village Alasmalan.