An App for Karaoke Fans

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Music is therapy! Singing and dancing can make your life so much easier and a very good way of releasing stress after work.
Depending where you live, it might be hard to find Karaoke clubs, or to find friends that wants to go with you. I love watching people sing, to support my friends and have fun. For those who are a little shy and wont go to a bar to sing, now they have a few apps that allows you not just to sing when nobody is watching, but if you want to do a duet, you can find someone on another continent or, even better, with a famous singer. Not all of them are free, but for a little money you might win an amazing contest, be famous on the internet or ..who knows? even open somebody’s concert.

One of the best Karaoke app, is Smule but you have to keep in mind, you need to take into the account the extra cost for VIP subscription if you want the most out of it. The App is very easy to use. Simply select the song you want to sing and it will count you in and display the lyrics as the track goes along. One you have performed a song, you have the option of hearing yourself back afterwards.
They do “Mash-up” contest or “Sing! with the artist” and so much more.
Enjoy and have fun!
