Happy New Moon


Happy New Moon in Leo ??

The Light of the Solar fire joined to the dark of the Moon in the 8th House trine Mars/Saturn and Quincunx Neptune/South Node. Exact at 4:44 šŸ˜‰

After the past few intense and harsh lunar cycles, finally we have a warm, positive, playful and creative new moon to look forward to! Set your intentions(thoughts will manifest reality) and plant your seeds(figuratively and literally) for this new cycle! As long as you put the hard work, energy and discipline into achieving your goals and don’t let any negative Neptunian tendencies such as illusions, fantasies, delusions, or escapism from your past interfere! You will have an abundant “harvest” from what you sow! šŸ˜‰

For this New Moon delve into some astral travel studies and sacred knowledge. The Akashic records are emphasized as there is a deeply “seeding” internal burning happening right now! This New Moon represents the cosmic mother, so make sure to nurture yourself, your family and closest friends. Let go of your past paths and expand on them for the future. Iā€™m seeing an extreme level of synchronicity happening for this New Moon. This energy will last for 2 weeks until the next Full moon. The Shadow of Mercury Retrograde will be apon us August 10th! The actual Mercury Retrograde starts on August 30th. So get ready for many changes to intensify over this month and the next!
-KC Cain



