Unresolved Questions and Ancient Civilizations

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Structures and artifacts that have survived the onslaught of nature and the elements speak to us of a mysterious past long gone; we’ll talk about these things in this article. What is intriguing is that many of these structures such as the dolmens found all over the world, the pyramids, the antikythera mechanism, the swastika, fertility goddesses, and also shoeprints found in stone that date back to millions of years before man is considered to have walked the surface of the earth.
Interestingly, many of the relics from the past recur across continents in places as diverse as Spain, Korea, India, England, France, Italy, Mexico, and the United States. How could’ve people in that dim past done the same things, felt the same way about motifs? And these artifacts and relics were created over centuries, with no known contact between the people who created them. In fact, we are not even clear on who exactly created them; all we have is a lot of conjectures. Civilizations separated by thousands of miles and in some cases thousands of years and yet they operated on the same mental wavelengths. How and why?
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For example, dolmens or cromlens, megalithic tombs that consist of two vertical stones in parallel that support the weight of a flat rock placed on them. These are open chambers that are considered to have been used for burial purposes. The oldest ones date back to more than 7000 years.
The use of metal clamps in ancient architecture to hold together two rocks in place is a mystery of astonishing proportions. One, the stone or megaliths that these metal clamps connect are huge, so big that some of them can scarcely be lifted and put in place even with all the available technology today; and two because of the technique used in clamping those rocks together.
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