The Oil You Should Never Live Without – Tea Tree Oil


The oil that you will never want to live without.
Tea tree oil or melaleuca oil, is an essential oil with a fresh camphoraceous odor and a color that ranges from pale yellow to nearly colorless and clear. It is taken from the leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia, which is native on coast of New South Wales, Australia.
TEA TREE OIL SHOULD NEVER BE INGESTED and never used on babies younger than 6 months.
Tea tree oil is toxic when taken by mouth, but is widely used in low concentrations in cosmetics and skin washes. Tea tree oil has been claimed to be useful for treating a wide variety of medical conditions.
If it’s too strong for your skin, you can always dilute the oil in another neutral oil like olive oil, grape seed oil, coconut oil. Mixing with water, doesn’t do anything…it’s an oil so it will separate.

24 Uses for Tea Tree Oil

Let’s just start by saying that this can be use in any skin problems:
1. Helps heal and soothe sunburns.
2. Heals skin infections naturally.
3. Relieves and reduce itchiness from rashes and soothes insect bites.
4. Treat acne: by mixing a few drops with raw honey and simply rub, leave and rinse off.
5. Fungal infections (especially Candida, jock itch, athlete’s foot and toenail fungus)
6. Add a few drops to your shampoo for lice, dandruff, itchy scalp.
7. Add a few drops in your pets’ crates or beds to keep the fleas away.
8. Removes ticks: if you add to skin, will usually unlatch.
9. Cures toenail fungus and Athlete’s foot.
10. Helps remove skin tags.

11. Naturally cures bad breath and can be used in a homemade toothpaste
12. Chickenpox
13. Effective treatment for warts.
14. Psoriasis – mix one teaspoon coconut oil, 5 drops tea tree oil and 5 drops lavender oil.
15. Treats ringworm – use undiluted oil on affected area and you can even mix it with another anti-fungal oil – oregano oil.
16. Relieves asthma or other breathing conditions when a few drops are added to a humidifier.
17. Works as as antiseptic on small cuts.
18. Keeps your bathroom fresh.
19. Relieves earaches using a mix with 1 drop of tea tree oil with 1 tsp. olive oil, drop mixture into the ear and then remove by tilting head.

20. Anti-microbial laundry freshener – by adding a few drops in your washing machine to scent your clothes. You can also scent wool dryer balls with tea tree oil.
21. Helps freshen carpet.
22. Can be used in several homemade kitchen cleaners. Mix it with water, vinegar, lemon essential oil.
23. Mold – use a mix apple cider vinegar and tea tree oil and spray on mold; place outside to sun-dry. You can use a diffuser for the house and you can spray onto shower curtains, laundry machine, dishwasher even toilet.
24. Homemade natural deodorant – tea tree oil, cocnut oil and baking soda. You can add tea tree to your running shoes and sport gears.
Oh ! and I forgot to mention how awesome it is for bed bugs. Just spray on your bed, box spring, mattress, pillows and anything that looks suspicious especially if you are away from home.
Source: Every Day Roots, Keeper of the home, Dr. Josh Axe
There are a few things that you should always have in your house, like the tea tree oil, coconut oil, baking soda and activated charcoal.